Times & dates are unconfirmed.
January27 SECURIAN FROZEN 5K AND HALF MARATHON, St. Paul, MN 9:00 a.m.
http://www.raceberryjam.com/carnival.htmlFebruary 10 Run on Water 5 Mile, Bayfield, 11AM
http://www.bayfield.org/visitor/runwater.asp17 CHILLY CHIPPEWA 5K/10K (6th Annual), Chippewa Falls High School.
Contact Roger Skifstad,
skifstrb@chipfalls.k12.wi.us or call (715) 726-2406 x1120.
11? Shamrock Shuffle 5K, Eau Claire, 10AM
Vicki F Reed 715/836-4931
reedvf@uwec.edu18 The Human Race 5K; 8K, University of St. Thomas Field House, St Paul, 11:40AM; 1:20PM
http://tslevents.com/April1? 10 AM Run Against Violence 5 & 2.5 Mile* Chippewa Falls
Kris Erickson 715/723-1138 (W) Family Support Center;Kathie Schaus 715/720-2337
7? 9AM Spring Fever 6 & 2 Mile*
Altoona City Park Mark Wise 715/877-2475 (H)mwise@indianhead-insurance.com
16? Boston Marathon, Boston
21? 10AM AMA 5K Fun Run, Eau Claire Carson Park
Am Marketing Assoc UW-EC
5? 8:30AM Norske Nook 15K & 2 Mile
Osseo Don Gilbertson
715/597-2269gilberts@triwest.net12? 8AM New Prague Half Marathon, New Prague
Kim Gassner 952/758-4360
npcofc@bevcomm.net13? 8AM, Uff Da Trail Run Half Marathon & 5K, Woodville
Dennis 698-2555, Connie 684-3603
Journeys Marathon & Half, Eagle River
Eagle River C of C, 800/359-6315,
info@eagleriver.org20? Cellcom Marathon & Half, Green Bay
Sean Ryan, 800/889-1859, info@cellcomgreenbaymarathon.com May 21 10AM
?? Fido Fun Run Dog Walk, Eau Claire, Carson Park
EC Humane Assoc 715/839-4747 x25 www.eccha.org
May 20 or 27
Bloomin' Idiot Marathon Fun Run*
Bloomer to Eau Claire
Fred Hable, 715/835-5897
27? 8AM
Med City Marathon & 20 Mile, Rochester
Wally&Peg Arnold 507/282-1411 peg@medcitymarathon.com
27? Madcity Marathon, Madison
6? Thorp Fun Run 5K/10K, Thorp Elem. School
Jen Sutton, 605 S Clark St, Thorp WI 54771
6? 9:30AM Dairy Days Stampede 2&5 Mile, Greenwood
Lori Klinke 715/267-6205
Badger State Games Regional 5/10K, Eau Claire
Jeff Staads, 715/832-3421, brc@jeffstaads.com
June 16? Grandma's Marathon, Duluth
Scott Keenan 218/727-0947
grandmas@grandmasmarathon.com June 18 9AM
Lutefiskman Triathlon, Osseo
Roger Hofer 715/597-3623 rhofer@triwest.net
June 23?, RCU Charity Classic 10K & 2 Mile, Eau Claire
Emily Blaskey 715/839-0499, Carla Leuck 715/833-8167 CarlaL@rcu.org
Web PageJune 24 9AM, Strawberry Festival 6&2 Mile, Alma Center
Gaylord Olson 715/964-2202
1?? 5:30AM; 7:30AM Afton Trail Run50K; 25K, Afton
Scott Wagner
651/429-8342aftontrailrun@yahoo.com1?? 9AM, Firecracker Trail Run 5K/10K Lowes Creek Park, Eau Claire
Web Page4?? 8:30AM, Friendship Days 5M/2M
Mondovi HS Football Field
Mike Miller 715/926-5578
happymillmore@hotmail.com7?? 9AM Water Street Mile, Eau Claire
Bob & Dina St Louis, 715/834-3774, stlouir@uwec.edu,
stlouins@uwec.eduL E Phillips Senior Center
8?? 8:30AM, Lion's Pride 5K/10K, Fall Creek
Sheila Cote
715/877-3450cotesherah1@msn.com14?? 9AM, Bluegill 5K, Birchwood
Tim Dusick 715/379-9482 timdusick@yahoo.com
Entry15?? 8AM, In and Out of Luck 10K & 5K, Luck
Larry Linder 715/472-8231 newworld@lakeland.ws
19?? 7PM, Tortoise and Hare 5K, Reg. Eau Claire YMCA
Fred Hable, 715/835-5897
25?? 7PM, See Dick Run 7M/5K/1M, Bloomer
Fred Hable, 715/835-5897
29?? Riverboat Days 5K, Wabasha
John Thyren, 651/565-0375 jthyren@bigcountry.us
4, 8AM, River City Ramble 10K & 5K, Red Wing YMCA, Heather Flock 651/388-4724
hflock@redwingymca.org4??, Brat Trot4M Run/2M Walk, Sheboygan
Anna Brown, Am Diabetes Assoc414/778-5500 x6532
11?? 8AM, Watermelon 4 Mile/Roegge Half-Marathon, Chippewa FallsYMCA
Jennifer Sherbinow js2201@charter.net 715/723-2201
11?? 7:30AM, Paavo Nurmi Marathon, Hurley
Ricky Kelly
866/340-4334hurley@hurleywi.com18?? 9AM, Rendezvous Days5K Run/1.5M Walk, Owen Park, Eau Claire
Myrthe McCarthy 715/878-4083
mmeamccarthy@pngusa.net19?? 9AM, Children's Miracle Network, 10K/5K/1K Run/ Walk, Wakanda Park, Menomonie
Wal-Mart Dispatch Office 715/232-7938
25 8AM, Rutabaga 12 and 3.7mi, Cumberland, Cumberland C of C, 715/822-FEST
bagafest@chibardun.net26, 9:30AM, Spanky's Run 5K/10K, Loyal
Jim Gentleman 715/255-8519
27, 7AM, Woodbury Country Mile 13.1 Mile & 5K, Woodbury
Nancy Kennedy 651/578-0722 chamber@woodburychamber.org
2??, Buckshot 5 & 2 Mile, Eau Claire
Eau Claire Leader-Telegram
Race Info, pdf 276K 9?? 8:30AM, Hayward Half Marathon & 5K, Hayward
Dayle Quigley 715/634-0012 info@haywardhalfmarathon.com
8?? 9AM, Stucky Chiro 4 and 2½ Mile, Eau Claire
715/835-9514 Jay LaGuardia
stucky@stuckychiropractic.com8?? 9AM, Laura Ingalls Wilder 10K & 5K, Pepin
Kathy Finch 715/442-2016
finchqe@cannon.net10?? 8:30AM, Hayward 10K Trail Run, Hayward
Dayle Quigley 715/634-0012 info@haywardhalfmarathon.com
8?? 8AM, Twister Run 10K/5K, Colfax
Pete Klug 715/962-3121
pjklug@juno.com15?? 8AM, Beer and M&M's Marathon Fun Run, Owen Park, Eau Claire
Fred Hable 715/835-2909 or Tina at
johnstk@uwec.edu15?? 10:30AM, Fall Frolic 5K, Flag Hill, Chippewa Falls
McDonell Cross Country, M. Bushland 715/723-5525
mbushlandmowerins@hotmail.com15?? 8&9AM Ellefson Half Marathon Championships & 5K, Barron,
Aaron Weber 715/537-6666baccacw@chibardun..net,
www.thebacc.com12?? 8AM, Amery 10K/5K, Amery
Bill/Sue Hegg 715/268-2220
22? 9:30AM, Heritage Days 5&2 Mile, New Richmond
J Evans 715/246-5067
jevans2@frontiernet.net23??, Fox Cities Marathon, Appleton,
www.foxcitiesmarathon.org30??, Twin Cities Marathon, Mpls/St Paul
Virginia Achman 763/287-3888www.twincitiesmarathon.org
7?? 10AM, Michael Noll Memorial 5K Fun Run UWEC
Jodi Thesing-Ritter, thesinjm@uwec.edu, 715-836-2325, 240 Schofield Hall, UWEC
13??, Whistle Stop Marathon, Ashland,
www.whistlestopmarathon.com14?? 7AM, Edmund Fitzgerald 100K Ultra, Duluth
Eric Stetz 763/421-4816 estetz@visi.com
13??, Blue Devil 5K/10K&1M kids, Menomonie
Andrea Streif
streiffa@uwstout.edu20??, The Great Race Chippewa to Cadott Fun Run, Chippewa Falls
Karen Possley 715/723-2587
kjpskis@aol.com27??, 10AM (10M bus leaves 9:30am), Carson 10 Mile/2 Mile, Eau Claire
Karen Schoenrock 715/894-0166
22?? 9AM, Turkey Trot 5K Run/Walk, Eau Claire
Unity Health & Fitness (Eau Claire Athletic Club) 715/833-2201
1?? 10AM, Frigid 8 Mile & Thermal 3 Mile, Chippewa Falls
Jayne Baugher