I haven't been running much lately, blogging even less but hope to do more of each in 2007.
I'm not big on making New Year's resolutions. Changes are not easy to make and while there may be every intention at the time, someone has to really want to follow through for change to really occur. The change in the calendar year is a logical time to try and make a change but most of the time, the person isn't really ready to make the change.
I have been considering trying to run every day of 2007. But I have not yet decided because I know that is a major commitment--not one to make lightly. I've made running a high priority at times in my life and I tend to either overdoing it and injuring myself or post-goal, am left unmotivated for too long.
Really, balance and consistency is what I would ideally want. Attempting a 365 day streak may seem unbalanced but I don't know of another way to get to the consistency.
In the past, I have set miles per day goals and usually met them. The problem, however, is I tend to procrastinate and end up running megamiles at the end of the month to get my miles in. I've done 10:00 pm runs in a local cemetary on January 31st (in Wisconsin) because I was short on miles and that was the only lighted, traffic-free place I had available.
With a dreadmill, (jimp's term), I should always be able to find 10 quick minutes to sneak a mile in to continue the streak.
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Go Matt Go!!!
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