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Into the Wind

The conventional wisdom is to start a cold-weather run by running into the wind. The logic, expecially for an out & back course, is that you do not want to get sweaty only to turn around and run into the wind and get chilled.

I have never seen this rule, however, mentioned for hot weather.

After work today, I was setto do a 3 mile run. It was rather warm (high 80s) with a wind coming from the west. I basically had the option of running an out & back course, starting either east or west.

Since the potential problem was overheating, I guess it would make more sense to start out with the wind and then run into the wind after your body tempature has risen.

Before starting out, I debated this briefly but I started out heading into the wind. I was only doing 3 miles & not trying to break any records so it really didn't matter. But when I turned around--I definately noticed the heat increased instantly. It may have just been my imagination but I think I'll make "Start a hot-weather run with the wind" one of my running tips.

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