Welcome blah blah blah

Galena Through the Back Door

Got two runs in while in Galena. I had never been there before--running is a great way to get to know a new place or at least glimpse parts you would otherwise miss. In addition to getting off the main roads, you get a chance to see & smell things that you cannot while riding in a car. Reminds me of Rick Steves' Travel Through the Back Door Philosophy.

I'll remember Galena as a city of stairs. It is along a river (turns out to be the Galena River)--some is constructed along the river valley but much is up on higher ground. Seemed like I was always go up or down a flight of stairs.

I did visit the suspected track but left unsure where or not it was ever intended to be a track. It was dirt and had no marking of being a track but could have been in the past.

ORN 6/24: 10 (9:12)
ORN 6/25: 3 (9:40)

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