I'm hoping to focus my posts mostly on the qualitative, not quantitative, aspects of my running. This is a bit of a switch for me. In the past, I tended to think more about times and splits and paces.
I read a book about change (Change or Die by Alan Deutschman) that said there are three key components to making a change in your life. His three R's were relationships, repeat, and re- frame.
I'm going to try to build more running relationships--I've been a mostly passive member of dead runners society since about September 1992, I plan to be more active there. I'm hoping to build some bloggy friends. And then in the fall, when I relocate with the ladies, hope to join some running groups.
Repeating is just about getting out there and running.
Re-frame. I've always really been more of a racer than a runner. While I enjoy the intangible benefits of running, my focus has always been racing and racing faster. I need to stop that. That was part of my consistency problem--if I felt like my training wasn't up to par, than I thought it was pointless and I would lack motivation to continue. Now, I just want to enjoy each run.
That being said, I couldn't completely ignore my normal racing tendencies, so today, on my three month anniversary since my last run, I started again with a time trial.
I overran my warm-up, doing my first mile in 7:48. I did 2400m in 11:29 (first 1600 in 7:28).
My right knee felt like I twisted it during my cool-down so I walked the final half mile.
Total of 4 miles.
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