Welcome blah blah blah


Unfortunately, I have neglected my blog only slightly more than my running the last three months. I made it through March 2008running every day--456 straight days if my math is right.

Sickness wasthe official reason the streak ended but i was getting close. The pressure to keep the streak alive was building too. It stated to be more of a grind than anything. I couldn't stop because I didn't want to kill the streak but it become only about the streak--I bet I did dreadmiles 9 out 10 days for the first quarter of the year.

As predicted, as soon as the streak ended, my training went kaput. Actually it had already gone kaput--the dreadmiles weren't really doing anything for me anyhow. I've decompressed for the most part now, the problems are that I don't have time--my wife is away for 6 weeks so I work during the day and watch the kids the rest of the time--and I don't really like where I live for running. Not sure why.

Our house is in a newer subdivision in the middle of farmland. I think it is a combination of feeling conspicous and the lack of variety in routes--pretty much have a 1 mile by 1 mile road grid to run, so to do a 2 miler, I've only got 4 different routes. The other challange is I don't see getting any more free time anytime soon, so I feel like any effort I put into running is for naught.

Think I ran once in both April and May and a few times in June. I've done a 5.75 miler so far. So I'm inching my way back slowly.

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